Student Enrollment
Registration Information and Forms
Welcome to the Bradley Union School District!
Children who will be age five by September 1, 2024 can be registered for Kindergarten.
Children who turn five between September 2nd, 2024 and June 2, 2025 may register for Transitional Kindergarten.
RETURNING STUDENTS: online enrollment BUDS School Wise
Go to BUDS School Wise to re-enroll your student for the 24-25 school year.
NEW STUDENTS: Please review and complete the necessary forms. Forms are available in the school office. Return all required registration information before the start of school. If you have any questions please call the school at (805) 472-2310. You may have to leave a message; the staff is not full-time during summer.
Please use the checklist below to gather all the required kindergarten registration items.
Student’s birth certificate
Proof of residency - ex. Utility bill
Student’s immunization record
Report of health examination - filled out and signed by Doctor. First-year students only
Oral health assessment form - filled out and signed by a dental professional. First-year students only
New student enrollment form
Cumulative Record Request - Students that are transferring schools only.
ASES (After School Education and Safety) enrollment
Student Medication Notice - (optional) used when the student needs to take medication at school.
Must be signed by both parent and doctor.